Club Coach Announcement

Dear Falcons,

The FCC today has parted ways with head coach Tim Hart. The decision to not renew his contract was a decision that wasn’t made easily, however was made with the clubs best interests at heart. It’s no secret this year has been a bit of a rollercoaster, therefore it has been decided to make a change now at the top and search for a new coach to take us in a different direction.

On behalf of the playing group, the committee and our members and supporters, we thank Tim for everything he has done this summer and wish him well for the future.

The committee is now working through the process of what our leadership looks like for next summer and will move quickly to resolve the situation.

Any questions please do not hesitate to contact myself on 0417 890 752.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Club presentation night on April 14 and the AGM in the coming months.

Cheers Trip