T10 Carnival Jan 12

Dear Falcons,

We currently have 38 players. Four teams will allow each team to play each other once. See the list below for nominated players. Let me know if I have not added you to the list.

The format of the day is to start the first game no later than 9am. Suggest arrive at 8:15 so we can go thru playing conditions and maybe start before 9am. Assuming we have 4 teams, each team will play 3 games. Depending on how long the games last it could be 2 games before lunch and one after lunch, i.e. stop for lunch around 12 pm and start the 3rd game around 1pm.

Assuming we get enough interest the final game of the day will be a combined parents and kids match. That way kids get the opportunity to play along side their parent. We would need approx 10 kids and 10 parents for the game. It should be a bit of fun. I’ll bring the GoPro along and capture footage for the day.

To avoid wasting time at the beginning of the day I will pick the teams to ensure there is a good balance of U10, U12 U14 juniors.

On the food side of things we will run our normal egg and bacon breakfast. For lunch the club will provide free sausages, bread and ice blocks. Could parents please bring along a salad/desert plate to support the lunch. The bar will also be open for those seeking refreshments.

As a fund raiser for the club will be raffling a bat signed by the Redbacks players. The raffle will be drawn at the end of season junior presentation.

Bevan Adam
Bullen Angus
Cockrum Kobe
Davidson Harry
Feleppa Liam
Hannett Tyson
Harris Luke
Harriott Jackson
Henderson-Whitehead Charlotte
Higgins Ben
Higgins Elliott
Hortop Ky
King Ashley
Leonard-Price Zac
McGlashan Andrew
Molzer Boston
Molzer Casey
Monk Angus
Rawlings Archie
Rawlings Jude
Rayner William
Ramanayaka Chaamin
Robertson Archie
Robertson Elliott
Robertson Connor
Robinson Brendon
Robinson Lucas
Ross Matthew
Schimanski James
Singh Harshjot
Spanagel Fin
Stecca Nathan
Stephens Harvey
Thurstans Darcy
Vigar Brady
Wenz Mark
Westley Hugh