Our first function for the new season will be on Saturday 2 November at Collins Reserve at 4pm where the A grade are playing host to Sacred Heart Old Collegians. We hope to see everyone there.
The Fulham Faithful was first established in 2019 and has continued to grow since that time. It has proven to be a wonderful vehicle for bringing together past players, life members and other supporters of the Fulham Cricket Club and providing an opportunity for all to meet up several times during the season, while showing support, financially and connection-wise, to the current teams/players that represent the Falcons.
The planned Faithful program for the coming year is for:
A regular Saturday afternoon Faithful ‘meeting’ on the following 3 dates [Saturdays] to coincide with an A grade home game at Collins Reserve at 4pm on;
o Saturday 2 November, A grade v Sacred Heart OC
o Saturday 30 November, A grade v Reynella
o Saturday 11 January 2025, A grade v Rostrevor OC.
While on Saturday 8 March 2025 to finish off the season, the club will offer a BBQ lunch with extended complementary refreshments to all Faithful members.
Anyway, we seek your assistance to help make the season a success; how can you help? Well, by
o Paying your Faithful member ‘fee’ of $50 [bank details below or pay cash on day];
o Putting the above dates in your diary;
o Passing the word onto any others who have not yet joined to get involved;
o Letting Dozer or myself know if you have any ideas for functions etc that might work well;
o Come along to the shows!!
If you want further information, please contact Mike ‘Dozer’ Dinedios (0412 858 997) Rob Lukosius (0403 582 085). Payment can be made in person to Rob or Dozer, or by EFT. Bank account details are: A/C No 144 350 055, BSB 633-000. If paying by EFT, please use TFF as the reference.
I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday the 2nd of November at 4pm.